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Randomized Pause

Posted: 24 Nov 2020, 19:15
by dad7more
Is there a way to randomize duration between events? I would like to click the mouse at random intervals between 10 and 20 seconds. For example, is there a way to make the pause between loops last a random amount of time?

Re: Randomized Pause

Posted: 24 Nov 2020, 19:51
by dad7more
So I found this script in a previous thread, but it interrupts my loop. I used it with 'Pause' and it tells me that in line 3 there is an integer number expected:

t_mini = 20000 // milli seconds
t_maxi= 25000 // idem
t_aleatoire = t_mini +Math.floor( Math.random() * (t_maxi - t_mini+1 )) ;