Re: Some thoughts/ideas
Posted: 16 Oct 2013, 12:38
Hi, sorry for the late answer, I was travelling for my job.
1. Why not. I could also add a checkbox to confirm any question like "should the file be overwritten".
2. Good idea, it could also show the label name.
3. I don't understand exactly what you want to do, but you can evaluate Code/Ecmascript/Javascript within code itself by using the eval() function.
4. That's probably because you need to set the Working directoy parameter to the directory where your script is.
5. I cannot reproduce this problem here. What is your operating system?
6. You can also use "Wait" in the "If false" parameter of the "Window condition" action. You will also have to set the "Condition" parameter to "Exists".
1. Why not. I could also add a checkbox to confirm any question like "should the file be overwritten".
2. Good idea, it could also show the label name.
3. I don't understand exactly what you want to do, but you can evaluate Code/Ecmascript/Javascript within code itself by using the eval() function.
4. That's probably because you need to set the Working directoy parameter to the directory where your script is.
5. I cannot reproduce this problem here. What is your operating system?
6. You can also use "Wait" in the "If false" parameter of the "Window condition" action. You will also have to set the "Condition" parameter to "Exists".