Can be fine for fine-tuning parameters and image selections.
Purpose is for debugging and testing matches. Should be easy to both extend.
Not the most beautiful code

Here is an example of result after searching with needles form this site:
Code: Select all
{fn: "img/t-01-qmark.png", txt: "qmark"},
{fn: "img/t-02-lol.png", txt: "lol", opt: {
sm: "coc",
dpc: 2,
sex: 1,
conf: 87
{fn: "img/t-03-preview.png", txt: "preview"},
{fn: "img/t-04-bell.png", txt: "bell"},
The targets are marked with rectangles and crosses. (Questionmark, lol smiley, preview button and bell.)

Code: Select all
/* vim:set noexpandtab tabstop=4 nosmarttab noshiftround shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=0: */
/* eslint no-unused-vars: off */
/* global Actionaz Algorithms Color Console
* Notify Execution include Point ProcessHandle RawData Rect Script Size Stdio */
/* eslint-disable-next-line no-redeclare */
/* global Image Window */
const AA = Object.create(null);
// Simple logger for shell:
(function() {
"use strict";
const colors = {
black: 31,
red: 31,
green: 32,
yellow: 33,
blue: 34,
purple: 35,
cyan: 36,
white: 37
AA.print = function(str, color, bold) {
var s = str,
c = colors[color],
b = bold ? "1;" : ""
if (c)
s = "\x1b[" + b + c + "m" + str + "\x1b[0m";
else if (b)
s = "\x1b[1m" + str + "\x1b[0m";
AA.abort = function (msg, color) {
if (msg)
AA.print(msg + "\n", color || "purple", 1);
AA.print("\nAborting. Bye!!\n", "red", 1);
AA.dbg = function (str) {
if (AA.debug)
Stdio.print(";; " + str + "\n");
AA.note = function(title, txt, nosleep) {
var myObject = new Notify({
title: title,
text: txt,
timeout: 1000
// Notification closes when script exit
if (!nosleep)
// MAIN Routine:
(function(opt) {
"use strict";
// Locate window by title.
// Try "tries" times before giving up.
// If bool sleep is truth, sleep 1500ms between
// each try.
const get_window = function (title, tries, sleep) {
var ret = null;
if (sleep)
AA.dbg("get window[" + tries + "]: " + title);
const win = Window.find({
title: title,
titleMode: Window.Wildcard
if (win.length > 1) {
if (tries > 0)
return get_window(title, tries, 1);
AA.print("Found more then one window matching: " + title + "\n\n", "red", 1);
for (var i = 0; i < win.length; ++i)
Stdio.print(win[i].title() + "\n");
} else if (win.length < 1) {
if (tries > 0)
return get_window(title, tries, 1);
AA.print("Found NO window matching: " + title + "\n\n", "red", 1);
} else if (win.length === 1) {
ret = win[0];
return ret;
// Screenshot of win.
// Save to fn_out
const shoot = function (win, fn_out) {
const shot = Image.takeScreenshot(win);
if (!shot) {
AA.print("Unable to shoot window\n", "red", 1);
return null;
if (fn_out) {
AA.dbg("Save shot as: " + fn_out);
return {win: win, shot: shot};
// Try to find Window specified by option:
// opt.win_title
// on success proceed with shot.
const shoot_target = function (fn_out) {
const win = get_window(opt.win_title, opt.tries);
if (!win)
return null;
return shoot(win, fn_out);
// win Bring Window to foreground.
// tw Sleep tw milliseconds after request
const win_to_fg = function (win, tw) {
Execution.sleep(tw ? tw : 300);
* hay Image image to search
* needle Image image to search for
* opt Obj search options:
* sm: search method. coc, crc or sd
* conf: minimum confidence,
* dpc : downPyramidCount
* sex : search expansion
* max : maximum matches
* */
coc: "CorrelationCoefficient",
crc: "CrossCorrelation",
sd : "SquaredDifference"
const find_subimages = function (hay, needle, opt) {
opt = opt || {};
var res = hay.findSubImages(needle, {
method: IMG_SEARCH_METHOD[ || "coc"]
, confidenceMinimum: opt.conf || 90
, downPyramidCount: opt.dpc || 1
, searchExpansion: || 30
, maximumMatches: opt.max || 100
return res;
// Draw horizontal line
// img Image
// c Color
// x, y, w
// d Debug flag
const draw_line_h = function (img, c, x, y, w, d) {
const e = x + w;
if (!d)
AA.dbg("H: "
+ x.toFixed(1) + ' x ' + y.toFixed(1) + ' - '
+ e.toFixed(1) + ' x ' + y.toFixed(1) + ' '
+ w
for ( ; x < e; ++x)
img.setPixel(x, y, c);
// Draw vertical line
const draw_line_v = function (img, c, x, y, h, d) {
const e = y + h;
if (!d)
AA.dbg("V: "
+ x.toFixed(1) + ' x ' + y.toFixed(1) + ' - '
+ x.toFixed(1) + ' x ' + e.toFixed(1) + ' '
+ h
for ( ; y < e; ++y)
img.setPixel(x, y, c);
// Draw plus (+)
const draw_plus = function (img, c, pt, spread) {
spread = spread || 2;
const z = spread * 2 + 1;
draw_line_h (img, c, - spread,, z, 1);
draw_line_v(img, c,, - spread, z, 1);
// Draw rectangle
const draw_rect = function (img, c, r) {
draw_line_h(img, c, r.x, r.y, r.w);
draw_line_h(img, c, r.x, r.b, r.w);
draw_line_v(img, c, r.x, r.y, r.h);
draw_line_v(img, c, r.r, r.y, r.h);
// Combine various infoemation from match in sub image
// search into an object.
const match2rect = function (pos, sz, conf, f_info) {
const r = {
//x: Math.floor(pos.x - sz.width / 2),
//y: Math.floor(pos.y - sz.height / 2),
x: (pos.x - sz.width / 2),
y: (pos.y - sz.height / 2),
w: sz.width,
h: sz.height,
b: 0,
r: 0,
sx: pos.x,
sy: pos.y,
conf: conf,
fn: f_info.fn,
txt: f_info.txt
r.b = r.y + r.h;
r.r = r.x + r.w;
return r;
// Find sub-images in hay.
// f_info is typically from options executing the script.
const subimg2rect = function (hay, f_info) {
const needle = new Image(f_info.fn);
const match = find_subimages(hay, needle, f_info.opt);
const ret = [];
if (match) {
match.forEach(function(m) {
ret.push(match2rect(m.position, needle.size(), m.confidence, f_info));
return ret;
return null;
// Draw text: Require one to implement a methid for this
// in the source code.
const draw_txt = function (img, x, y, txt, opt) {
img.setLabel(x, y, txt, opt);
const run = function () {
// Locate and shoot target
const target = shoot_target(opt.img.shot_saveas);
if (!target)
// the Image
const hay = target.shot;
// color for drawing
const c = new Color();
// matches
var result = [];
var tmp;
// Loop needle stack from options. If found append obj with
// data to result.
opt.img.img.forEach(function(f) {
if ((tmp = subimg2rect(hay, f)) !== null)
result = result.concat(tmp);
AA.dbg(result.length + "\n" + result);
// Loop and highlight finds.
result.forEach(function(r) {
// Rectangle by needle
AA.dbg('Rect for: ' + r.fn);
draw_rect(hay, c, r);
// A plus / ctross showing hit point
draw_plus(hay, c, r, Math.min(r.w, r.h) / 2);
/* Draw text. Require implementation of methid in source code
* of actiona.
draw_txt(hay,,, r.txt, {
fontName: "Arial",
fontSize: 18,
bold: 81,
italic: false,
color: "#00A"
// Save image with drawings to file
// More verbose logging to shell.
AA.debug = 1;
/* *****************************************************************
* O P T I O N S A N D I N P U T
* ******************************************************************
// Number of tries locating target window
tries: 3,
// Title of target window
win_title: " - Post a new topic *",
img: {
// File OUT for original shot
shot_saveas: "example-shot.jpg",
// File OUT name for annotated image
dbg_saveas : "example-out.png",
// Array of images to search for.
fn : file-path,
opt : {
sm : search method. coc, crc or sd
conf: minimum confidence,
dpc : downPyramidCount
sex : search expansion
max : maximum matches
txt : Text to write (label) matches with.
Require one to implement a method for this in the
actiona source code ...
// ls -1 | sed 's/test-t\(.*\)-.*/{fn: "img\/test\/tuxes-\/\0", txt: "\1"},/'
img: [
{fn: "img/t-01-qmark.png", txt: "qmark"},
{fn: "img/t-02-lol.png", txt: "lol", opt: {
sm: "coc",
dpc: 2,
sex: 1,
conf: 87
{fn: "img/t-03-preview.png", txt: "preview"},
{fn: "img/t-04-bell.png", txt: "bell"},