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by eureka
25 Oct 2023, 23:08
Forum: Support
Topic: ChatGPT
Replies: 6
Views: 3167

Re: ChatGPT

Referring to my earlier point that when ChatGPT gives a wrong code syntax (such as mixing up Actionscript with AutoIT, AutoHotKey, Javascript, the way around this is to train ChatGPT not to make that mistake in future sessions. I have just taught ChatGPT to remember that in Actiona the syntax Consol...
by eureka
25 Oct 2023, 17:29
Forum: Support
Topic: ChatGPT
Replies: 6
Views: 3167

Re: ChatGPT

Jmgr, if you are planning to reawaken Actiona from deep sleep then that is good news and I would urge that there be some explanation of how to use the Debugger. I have never figured it out. Could the code be debugged elsewhere? Perhaps consider Actiona as a plugin to a supported co-editor such as Su...
by eureka
24 Oct 2023, 23:11
Forum: Support
Topic: ChatGPT
Replies: 6
Views: 3167

Re: ChatGPT

"that message was reported as off topic by the creator or the topic and it seemed to be the case to me" But I only referred to ChatGPT because it was mentioned in French forum! Perhaps in a sibling thread. So it was not off topic in my opinion. Some OP's leave their topic dangling with no...
by eureka
16 Oct 2023, 20:55
Forum: Demandes d'aide
Topic: Récupérer numéro de ligne
Replies: 1
Views: 748

Re: Récupérer numéro de ligne

Je ne comprends pas très bien (depuis le forum britannique) ce que vous avez en tête. Je vous suggère d'abandonner l'idée des numéros de ligne, car c'est une source d'erreur si l'ordre des lignes est modifié. Utilisez des étiquettes, pas des numéros de ligne. Référez-vous plutôt à ce post (par le cr...
by eureka
12 Oct 2023, 22:32
Forum: Demandes d'aide
Topic: Action a temps random
Replies: 28
Views: 2296

Re: Action a temps random

[ English>French] Comme pour toute énigme, il existe de multiples solutions. En voici une ... une variante de votre idée ... Utilisez un outil de capture d'écran tel que Flameshot. Capturez une zone fixe commune où trois objets sont vus. Carré = vrai/faux Cercle = vrai/faux Trian...
by eureka
06 Oct 2023, 18:14
Forum: Support
Topic: ChatGPT
Replies: 6
Views: 3167


The ChatGPT post I placed in French forum yesterday (and now pushed back to English forum) only made sense and context when attached to the French OP discussion. Therefore to avoid confusion I withdraw my pennyworth of experience on using ChatGPT to generate Actiona scripts. If anyone is interested ...
by eureka
10 Jul 2023, 07:35
Forum: Support
Topic: Collect data from a web page
Replies: 3
Views: 1575

Re: Collect data from a web page

Another option to try.

To access elements in a browser page with browser in focus you can invoke developer tools in browser and read raw text from element(s) using a script.
Hit the "hamburger" icon and navigate to Developer Tools.

Or - Ctrl+Shift+I in Actiona command to toggle.
by eureka
29 Apr 2023, 22:44
Forum: Support
Topic: Collect data from a web page
Replies: 3
Views: 1575

Re: Collect data from a web page

You can scrape web sites in multiple ways and inject variables into Aciiona. Probably easier through a file. I have written Python script to place in Actuona resources to apply BeautifulSoup Or you can install an extension WebScraper in your browser and invoke that. Actiona is just the orchestrator ...
by eureka
11 Apr 2023, 15:02
Forum: Support
Topic: Clicks del raton
Replies: 1
Views: 1223

Re: Clicks del raton

This is a long shot without knowing your configuration. But could other machines be using Bluetooth keyboard/mouse?

I have a Logitech keyboard (MX) and mouse (MX Master 3S) and a mechanical keyboard mouse and sometimes forget to change modes between Windows and Linux.

I would run a test program.
by eureka
05 Mar 2023, 00:51
Forum: Support
Topic: How do I start
Replies: 1
Views: 1466

Re: How do I start

Where does one start? You do not mention your goal, your OS, what the "script" is meant to do, your coding experience. Actionscript, JS, Python, etc. Actiona as written is designed to emulate user actions. If you add any Qt5 object from left panel to right panel, let us do this with Messag...
by eureka
19 Dec 2022, 23:32
Forum: Support
Topic: Boucle incrémentée
Replies: 5
Views: 1963

Re: Boucle incrémentée

I have been occupied on other matters //

Meanwhile, until I have more time, get ideas on indexing through your list of 3500 items from here.

by eureka
19 Dec 2022, 09:58
Forum: Support
Topic: Cut the desired HTML among many similar
Replies: 6
Views: 1522

Re: Cut the desired HTML among many similar

We now have crossed threads. See latest thoughts in French forum.

I would like to see the URL to your online source wiki, rather than static files which I cannot access to suggest ideas using Python.
by eureka
19 Dec 2022, 09:35
Forum: Demandes d'aide
Topic: Couper le HTML souhaité parmi de nombreux similaires
Replies: 5
Views: 770

Re: Couper le HTML souhaité parmi de nombreux similaires

The text in 1.txt to change every 60 minutes through another script, rather, the implementation through Python is not suitable for me since I can not integrate it dynamically. I do not agree, since the embedded python script (Script > Resource > python script) can be run over and over again, every ...
by eureka
18 Dec 2022, 23:09
Forum: Support
Topic: Cut the desired HTML among many similar
Replies: 6
Views: 1522

Re: Cut the desired HTML among many similar

I have downloaded your list of banks to understand more your goal. Although Actiona might be able to parse such HTML for this application I suggest using a “toolchain”. I build many toolchains. Rather like - Actiona to select various banks from a list (Combo box). - An embedded Python sc...